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自己备份下用于新生交流经验,欢迎您协助修改请发信给Michael HUO 协助修改或者把信息发给我加上去,也可以在神同在百科网站 http://godwithus.cc/wiki 自行注册进行修改编辑一起贡献
Michael HUO
UCR留学小贴士 http://ymnl.cc/ucrtips
请大家去UCR超级群2012:60739990。本群将解散。另外 11群145249153,12群175235033
欢迎对基督教信仰、 文化、美国生活、英语学习感兴趣的华人留学生、学者及家属亲朋欢迎来留学生基督教兴趣小组高级QQ群90239397,这里是一个温暖的大家庭。 UCR CSSA论坛,http://www.cssa.ucr.edu/bbs/index.html,咨询区有新生指南,住房信 息,二手市场,汽车相关,学术科研等栏目,还有体育活动区,生活区,分类浏览,比起雅虎邮件组单级目录更加方便。 推荐mitbbs http://mitbbs.com,最大的海外华人留学生论坛,美国生活学习的点点滴滴那里几乎都可以找到答案。
经过一年的磨合,现在已经基本确定ISI组织会协调各个教会组织安排接机,我已经建立了群通讯录,请大家填写。 ISI Inland Empire http://youhaveafriend.us
关于接机: 1 建议大家尽量一次走,这样接机的人方便 2 如果人多可以定super shuttle,价格也不贵 3 如果有实验室或者这边有朋友,可以请师兄师姐帮忙,他们一般都会很愿意的。 4 以前有人说象征性的给油费15刀,想再想想太少了,其实我看多价格有人去LA,说可以带人,要价40还是50的。其实不止是油费,接这一次开车往返就要好几个小时,如果赶上飞机误点,估计一天就废了。
详见这里 UCR留学住宿攻略
详见这里 UCR留学物品清单
关于BOA相互转账的问题 在添加账号的时候,如果真正的邮编不行,则用00000五个零代替,即可。
带钱到美国去 现在建行和美国BOA有协议,每天$2000美元(含)以下汇款到美国免手续费,而其次日就到账很方便。我上次成功汇过了。如果汇$5000,就用三天时间就行了 有人说只有6大试点城市才可以,反正北京上海杭州我都问过没问题的,具体可以打95533问问看。
新华美通加州旧金山10月26日 电:美国银行和中国建设银行(中国建行)今天宣布了一项联合试行计划,透过减免全部电汇手续费,提供汇入汇出中国的免费消费者帐户电汇服务。这一共同努力 将为双方银行的客户提供更全面、更高品质和更有效率的金融服务。
在美国国内,此试行计划仅在位于北加州的旧金山(San Francisco), 阿拉米达(Alameda) 和 圣马刁(San Mateo) 县的 110 家美国银行理财中心实施。在中国,此试行计划有在北京、上海、广东、浙江、辽宁和厦门的近 250 个中国建行营业网点参与。
按此计划,任何持有支票帐户或储蓄帐户及使用参与此试行计划的110个理财中心的美国银行客户可免费向任何中国建行消费者帐户客户电汇。相应地,中 国试行 区内的中国建行个人帐户客户可向美国银行在美国5,700 多个理财中心的任何消费者帐户客户电汇。
美国银行的客户每笔电汇交易大约可节省 45 美元。
这是双方银行于四月份共同努力并成功启动免费ATM 提现服务后推出的又一新产品。作为自去年签定策略性协定后双方银行共同发展与合作的部分成果,这一新推出的试行计划将为需要在中国与美国间汇款的消费者提 供更便捷、费用更低、更快速的电汇服务方案。
「我们很高兴能为湾区的客户推出此项特殊试行计划,」旧金山美国银行市场部总裁 Steve Silvestri 说。「使我们的客户能够免费向中国电汇是印证我们目标成为华裔社区的首选银行的有力行动之一。」
「透过此项试行计划,中国建设银行和美国银行进一步实践了我们对我们在不同国域所服务的多元社区和客户的承诺,」中国建行新闻发言人胡昌苗说。「我 们的目 标是充分利用我们的共同资源为我们的客户提供一流的金融产品与服务。」
产品优势 美国.客户可在位于北加州的旧金山(San Francisco), 阿拉米达(Alameda) 和 圣马刁(San Mateo) 县的 110 家美国银行申请参与此项计划。.只需拨打一个电话,参与计划的客户即可在星期一至星期五,早上5:00 a.m. 至 下午 4:00 p.m.(太平洋时间)期间向朋友和家人汇款。.美国银行电话服务能够为华裔客户提供中/英语服务。.美国银行客户每个月最多可电汇$3,000 美元,每笔交易金额可达$1,500 美元。每个月可进行多达三笔电汇交易。.各电汇交易皆受中国国家外汇管理局实施的外汇交易法的管理。
产品优势 中国:
.中国建行将在以下六个地区的 242 个营业网点提供免费电汇服务:北京、上海、广东、浙江、厦门和辽宁。中国建行的个人(消费者)客户可前往这些营业网点使用此项服务。.中国建行将免除客户 使用此项服务的全部手续费。.单次从中国电汇至美国的最大金额为$2,000 美元。
我们新生已经有很多人有财产损失了, 1 首先是很多人自行车虽然放在小区里上锁,或者放在学校外 面存车的地,都被偷。建议:用大的U型所,把自行车放家里,或者学校专门有门的车笼里,这个打电话问密码即可。同时建议自行车去注册。还有就是下雨天不要 懒,不把车推回家,我发现有几辆车被卸的很惨。UCR这边骑自行车特别方便,我一直为自行车是遵守机动车规则还是行人规则而搞不清楚,后来终于知道,自行 车遵守和摩托车类似的规则。 2 其次是银行,美国的借记卡,可以透支,而且每透支一次罚款35刀,只能有一次的mercy, 因此要小心查卡里钱够不够再花。美国的信用卡(贷记卡)如果信用额度到了,刷卡会被拒,但是不会罚款。美国这边的信用卡很多地方跟国内不太一样,一个是主 卡附卡所有的卡都是同样的卡号,二是这边刷卡特别容易,只要他知道你的卡号和过期日期就能刷,不像网购需要三位保密码,或者国内还需要输入密码。为此我问 过美国银行,她说如果发生这种情形它们会帮我们把钱追回来,但是还是建议保管好自己的卡号和过期日期。 第三是汽车里面前晚不要放值钱的东西 且能在车窗外看到,他们会砸破车窗把里面的东西偷走的。有人有血的教训啊。 更多内容请见 http://godwithus.cn/ucrtips
欢迎到CSSA论坛 http://www.cssa.ucr.edu/bbs/ 和 ucr-love邮件列表 http://groups.google.com/group/ucr-love
在Riverside我找到一家比较好的做mechanical check的店,经steve推荐,B&J,在Univ ave和 Eu什么路路口,靠近高速,路口的西北侧,老板叫John,很nice
关于买车 Here're two popular websites for new/used car values. Since care values depend on many factors such as mileage, conditions, equipment options, etc. These Internet resources might provide you some helpful references. http://www.kbb.com/ http://www.edmunds.com/ Another resource can be Chinese Daily News 世界日報 which is the most popular newspaper for the Chinese communities nationwide. It's interesting that you may find the newspaper in many city libraries. Here's the direct link to the Classified Ads for auto buys and sales in Southern California. http://classifieds.worldjournal.com/AdSearch2007/adsearch.aspx?ct=524&state=CAS In addition, here are the two major Chinese yellow pages online. The new publishes for Year 2010 will be released soon and can be picked up at many Chinese supermarkets and bookstores for free. http://www.ccyp.com/ http://www.chinese411.com/ch/press_detail.aspx?id=450595935
1 是否clean title 2 具体的model,year,mileage, 一半日本车可以100,000,美国车50,60K,建议日本车 3 卖车原因,是否正当 4 是否有regular maintain record。看车型号和油的状况,一般几个月或者多少里程做一次维护,维护越好,越安全 5 price是firm还是obo or best offer, 可以去kbb.com看价格一般参考good的价格,还有其他网站auto.msn.com,edmund.com,cars.com可以参考价格 6 车的VIN,可以查history。准备买车的当月申请一个carfax账号,查询车的历史 7 前面都没问题了,跟车主定schedule并test drive,要带个懂车的人去,也可以顺便做个mechanical check,如果maintain的好就不用做也行。
理发的地方 There is one on university ave next to life cafe, Tuesday/Saturday hair cut specials are $9.99, other days are $12/$13. The boss is a Vietnam Chinese. The barber does a satisfactory job -- better than the ones in american barber shops. Address: 1242 University Ave Ste 4 ( or 6? not quite sure) Riverside, CA 92507 中国城那边便宜6刀左右。 One of my friend went to Towne Center, Bus 16, 5min from UCR. Cost about $15. Next to UCR Extension on University Ave, another one with men for $10. Cheapest I am aware of is China Town, Rowland Height, $5.
-- yanli
关于SPEAK TEST的资料 这个目前放在UCR留学交流的QQ群的群共享上 Stephen Zhou(19005722) 6:50:25 我重发一下 Stephen Zhou(19005722) 6:50:41 各 位同学,大家好。我是UCR的“老”生。是群主的师姐小阳阳的同学。(......有装大嫌疑....FT)。有两个事情跟大家说一下。第一个是,我目前 手机的familiy plan 9月8号到期,我准备再跟AT&T,续两年约,目前我的plan里面还可以加两条线(两个号码的意思),如果哪位同学需要的话可以Q我。 Stephen Zhou(19005722) 6:50:57 第 二件事情是关于speak test的。请需要靠speak test的同学加我的MSN: [email protected] ,加的时候请注明名字和所在专业。在里面同学们可以找到6套,speak test 的“全真模拟题”。 使用方法在日志里面讲的十分明确。 这里我先强调一点,各位新同学都是考过TOFEL-IBT的人,说实话,口语考试对大家来讲是小菜一碟。请个位同学在考前认真准备,绝对不要将任何考试资 料带入考场。(说的严重点儿,我个人认为这种行为是对全体中国人的侮辱,因为印度人和韩国人...那口语水平....都不会这么做)。 Stephen Zhou(19005722) 6:51:37 补 充一点speak test的信息。 原则:测试你的英语口语水平,所以,重点是“说”,而不是“说什么”。(当然你也不能骂街,这方面有血淋淋的教训)。明白了这个原则,其他一切都好办。再 具体一些的事情,等同学们过来的时候,校园基督徒会组织一个小型的接待会,会上有我或者另外的师兄(我的师兄)给大家做更详细的介绍。 Stephen Zhou(19005722) 6:51:42 就这么多了。呵呵 HUO_8.27UA888 6:42:59 谢谢, HUO_8.27UA888 6:43:11 中美断网MSN现在登不上,不能EMAIL联系么? Stephen Zhou(19005722) 6:46:16 可以的。我的email是 [email protected]
带钱到美国去 现在建行和美国BOA有协议,每天$2000美元(含)以下汇款到美国免手续费,而其次日就到账很方便。我上次成功汇过了。如果汇$5000,就用三天时间就行了 有人说只有6大试点城市才可以,反正北京上海杭州我都问过没问题的,具体可以打95533问问看。
买笔记本电脑 去联想网站 www.lenovo.com IBM员工特惠计划 http://www.lenovo.com/cpp Passcode: familyandfriends www.lenovo.com/spp 用户名:iclab 密码:4nxLwo30 优惠券 http://www.fatwallet.com/coupons/lenovo/ www.ecoupons.com/coupon-code/thinkpad www.xpbargains.com/st_deals.php/Lenovo_coupons.htm
买电子产品可以google products查询比较价格,可以去amazon newegg买
这个网站有不同店家的评价 http://reviews.pricegrabber.com/memory4lesscom/r/501/
国内用携程http://www.ctrip.com 用www.kuxun.cn,或者www.qunar.com搜索
国外用订机票 www.orbitz.com,www.hotwire.com 看看,然后找到合适的航空公 司,再去航空公司自己的网站看看。 另一个人推荐:http://www.kayak.com/ , www.cheaptickets.com 去 www.priceline.com比较价格 http://www.iflychina.net/有代理信息 定机票的网站: www.studentuniverse.com www.priceline.com www.orbitz.com http://www.kayak.com/flights 其中student universe已经经过无数中国学生的使用证明过,但是价格未必是最低的 可以去seatguru挑选座位
How to get to UCR From Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) -Distance: 110 kilometers or 68 miles- The International Educational Center is located in Statistics and Computing Building, Room 1669. Our office telephone number is 951-827-4113. If you arrive by car, the nearest parking lot is Lot 10. Please buy a visitor-parking permit at the dispenser (Hourly parking $2.00/All day pass is $8.00).
1. Super Shuttle: Local: 626-443-6600 Toll Free: 800-258-3826 www.supershuttle.com Super Shuttle provides a 24-hour service directly from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to the Riverside’s Campus at a cost of $72 for one person (shared ride van service at $9 each additional person). A reservation must be made 2-3 days before arrival. Super Shuttle requires payments with credit cards or cash. To call for your van, after claiming your baggage, go to the center island towards the orange sign that reads “Share Ride” and give your confirmation number to the Shuttle Representative wearing a blue cap and jacket.
From Ontario International Airport (ONT) 1. Super Shuttle Local: 909-984-0040 Toll Free: 800-258-3826 www.supershuttle.com Super Shuttle provides a 24-hour service directly from Ontario Airport to the Riverside’s Campus at a cost of $37 ($9 each additional person). A reservation must be made 2-3 days before arrival. Super Shuttle requires payment with credit card or cash. To call for your van, after claiming your baggage, you can use the courtesy phone to call #2897 to speak to a Super Shuttle agent or you can go directly to the right end of the center island. Look for the sign that reads “Transport Service” and give your confirmation number to the Shuttle Representative wearing a blue cap and jacket.
2. Omnitran: Local: 909-379-7100 Toll free: 800-966-6428 www.omnitrans.org RTA: Local: 951-565-5002 Toll free: 800-800-7821 http://www.riversidetransit.com/ Bus service to UCR is available for passengers flying into Ontario Airport. From Ontario Airport, passengers should board onto Omnitran bus #61to Ontario Mills. (Bus #61 runs every 15 minutes). From there, transfer to RTA bus #204 Southbound to UCR. From downtown Riverside, you need to transfer to RTA bus #14 Eastbound to arrive at UCR. The RTA bus #204 has a very limited schedule. Call Onmitran and RTA for updated information about arrival and departure times. Inquire inside the Ontario Airport for the location of the Omnitran bus stop. Please keep in mind that if you arrive after 8:15 pm, you will have missed the last bus.
How to get around UCR
The Transit Services unit of the UCR Transportation & Parking Services department operates a FREE campus shuttle service. It is called the Highlander Shuttle. The service operates four routes (Bear Runner, Braveheart Loop, Trolley Express, and Crest Cruiser) throughout the day transporting members of the campus community to and from the main campus, University Extension, University Village, the Riverside Sports Center and various apartment complexes surrounding UCR. Bear Runner The Bear Runner offers continuous 30 min. service from 7:20 pm to 11:45 pm, Monday through Thursday. Braveheart Loop Braveheart Loop offers continuous 20 min. service from 6:30am to 8:50 pm. Serving the North Campus and Campus Loop. Trolley Express Trolley Express offers 10 min. service between Grand Marc Apt's and A&I Dorms with courtesy stops at posted locations from 6:50am - 8:50pm. Crest Cruiser Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) now provides free service along Canyon Crest, formerly the "UCR Blue Line". Simply present your UCR ID Card and ride.
For shuttle route and information contact TAPS at 1(951) 827- 8277 or log on to their website at http://www.parking.ucr.edu.
How to get around Riverside
Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) The Riverside Transit Agency provides public transportation for Western Riverside County, operating 38 fixed routes, 5 commuter routes and 15 demand response services. RTA’s service area spans 2,500 square miles, the second-largest in the nation. RTA has lauched a new program allows UCR students to ride RTA buses for free. Simply present your UCR ID Card and ride any RTA bus The U-Pass provides students with what is essentially an all-access bus pass. UC Riverside students get free rides simply by swiping their valid university identification cards through any RTA bus farebox when they board. For bus route and schedule information contact RTA at 1(800) 800-7821 or log on to their website at www.RiversideTransit.com .
Metrolink Metrolink is a premier regional rail system, including commuter and other passenger services, linking Riverside County to the surrounding counties. Counties accessible by Metrolink are Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura.
Metrolink Fare UCR is enrolled in the Metrolink College Program. This program provides discounts to students. For more information click here. http://www.metrolinktrains.com/college/ UCR Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) will sell 10-ride vouchers and 32 monthly-ride vouchers at 25% off the normal price of the vouchers to full-time students. TAPS provides a shuttle between UCR and the Riverside Metrolink Station, to see the shuttle schedule click here
For Metrolink information, call the Customer Service Center at 1(800) 371-5465 or log on to their website at http://www.metrolinktrains.com.
Note: Metrolink service is not the same as Amtrak. Amtrak is the National Passenger Railroad that operates passenger trains across the United States.
其他方式从LAX到Riverside: 1. 火车。 From LAX take bus or taxi to rail station Rail station(Union Station) address: 800 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Then take Metrolink to Riverside Downtown. (约16元) LAX to Rail station 18.43 miles. 2. 灰狗。(约20元) From LAX take bus or taxi to LA station address: LOS ANGELES GREYHOUND STA 1716 E 7TH ST Los Angeles, CA 90021 Then take bus to Riverside. (约20元) LAX to greyhound bus station 18.87 miles. 3. Inland Express Shuttle Bus (Call 1-888-938-4500 for reservation)。 4. Take the door-to-door super shuttle at LAX. (约80元) 以上信息,于8月20日通过online搜索,整理。信息及价格可能随时变更,使用前请查询以下网站: 火车:http://www.metrolinktrains.com/ 灰狗:http://www.greyhound.com/ Super shuttle: http://www.supershuttle.com/
买电话卡的网站 http://abcalling.com/ http://www.ibuyphonecard.com/ 1980分钟20刀
rebtel网络电话 非常方便好用 http://www.rebtel.com,不过美国中国都拨打本地号码即可国际通话,费用0.019每分钟 。它的工作原理跟别的方法不一样。首先在网站上注册了你的手机号码,然后选择离你最近的城市,比如LIVERPOOL,然后注册你要打的电话,比如中国的 某某某,电话是0086***********,注册完之后它会自动生成一个LIVERPOOL的LOCAL LANDLINE!当你要拨打给这个人时,就直接使用这个生成的号码拨打就行了。 http://www.howtocallchina.com/others-internationalcall.php
Michael_HUO_EE_PhD 10:38:12 PM 海外留学生拨打国际长途最佳解决方案 http://www.howtocallchina.com/best-international-call/ (未经试用,不做保证) Michael_HUO_EE_PhD 10:41:21 PM 上海日报和rebel合作推出了免费40分钟的免费电话 http://l-ba.cn/cat_18/367.html 只要注册时在“voucher code”一栏输入“ShanghaiDaily” Michael_HUO_EE_PhD 10:50:59 PM 试过了,这个真不错 Michael_HUO_EE_PhD 10:51:38 PM 送了免费的35分钟,给每个国际联系电话设置一个本地的号码,通过质量也好。就是不知道以后付费的时候会不会乱付款。推荐一下。 Michael_HUO_EE_PhD 10:52:05 PM 用手机直接拨打本地号码,费用是每分钟$0.019 Michael_HUO_EE_PhD 10:52:49 PM 美国的号码资源真多啊,google voice就用了好多
Michael HUO 22:11:13 连这个网址 Michael HUO 22:12:44 http://helpme.att.net/dsl/speedtest/
Michael HUO 22:12:47